
There are many special features of our Retailer product that will ensure you get your products to your customer efficiently and without the hassle. You can fully source picking and packing options with full digitalisation and oversight of external picking and packing services – having insight on what would improve efficiencies. You can also protect your supply chain with shipping insurance and securely map your real time-transactions.

The Retailer product will allow you to clearly define how the parcel will be distributed in the last step before it reaches the customer – this could be via a pickup hub, e-mobility or courier. Instead of losing your own branding and logos, the Retailer product will combine different STINA suites and create marketing campaigns along the entire logistics chain.

Integratable platforms (and counting) available on Retailers.


Oxid eSales



ERP Systems such as Office goods

We know the difference an efficient logistic journey makes

Maximises your businesses by comparing carriers and partners, mapping the perfect experience for you and your customers.